Thursday, October 9, 2014

How to run a country, what is the right way?

Hello readers!

To start off learning about different government ideas and techniques we did a very fun activity in class about Socialism, Communism, and Capitalism. It was very informative but the best part was that we got to eat the activity. So to learn about each idea we were given Hershey Kisses. To start some people got two Hershey Kisses while others were given more. We then had to play Rock Paper Scissors with different people until we ran out of Kisses. That was Capitalism. I of course lost mine right away. We then demonstrated Socialism. Each student was handed two Hershey Kisses. Then we demonstrated Communism by us all having two Hershey Kisses and every student refusing to play Rock Paper Scissors so we would all have an equal number of the candy. It was a very good way to learn about each thing. Although it was frustrating to have to lose a lot and not have a say in what we did it was a great demonstration and put us in the position of the people. We then continued to take notes on Marx's ideas and Smith's ideas.

Marx had a theory that society would progress through these three systems, Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism. Capitalism was when there was private ownership of industries which allowed them to have private commerce thus creating unequal economic classes. This all of course led to class struggles which caused the workers to revolt.  Capitalism then led to Socialism because of the class struggles and revolts. The goal for Socialism was to create an equal society without classes. To achieve the goal of Socialism the government must own all the industries. Finally, for Marx, there was Communism. Communism was created following Capitalism and Socialism. This was a lot like Socialism but the goal of a classless society was achieved and no government was even needed. Marx published all of these ideas in the Communist Manifesto. Here is a place you can access the document, click here. Another man named Adam Smith also had very good ideas before Marx published his. He published his idea in a book called Wealth of Nations. You can access the book by Smith by clicking here. The Invisible Hand was the government and it's role. The idea was that the government should leave people alone so people could compete with people on their own. They would be able to buy and sell goods without government interest. This would then make it so people would only buy lower priced, high quality goods. It would cause the economy to grow by itself. It would also help allow the poor to become part of the economy because the prices would be low.

After thoroughly examining the two options I believe that Adam Smith's idea is the best option. Although the process would take a long time and some would suffer from the time in the long run it will create a great economy. It would allow the poor to get involved which limits the amount of people in the lower class. It would create a fair "playing ground" for everyone. Marx's idea has too many steps to it that not all of them may be able to work. Too many things like the monarchy and the people would have to put into several different places. For example one day the government would have total control and the next they would have none. I don't believe we have many other options than these two. There may be a happy medium that I can't see but I would think that is unlikely.

Thank you for reading!

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