Dear readers,
Last week my class worked on a Civil War Scavenger Hunt to answer two essential questions, who was the ultimate victor of each of the theaters of war: east, west, naval and what are some commonalities you can identify in the reasons for the results of the battles. Each person chose a battle based on the description that was provided to us, we did not know the name or any important information. We then researched the battle and found the name, location, theater it was in, who the victor was, and why the victor won. Each person created a Google document that had this information on it, click here to see mine. To have people view our document during the scavenger hunt we created a Bitly and QR code that linked to our document and printed out a piece of paper with the Bitly and QR code on it. After we each created this we organized where we were going to put them around the school and added the information to our google document on where to find the next battle. It took about two classes to carry out the scavenger hunt with everyone going around the school and scanning into the documents and taking notes on the battles. It was a great way to learn and it was fun to go around the school! After we finished the scavenger hunt we got together as a class and worked on a Padlet. Our Padlet allowed us to each put in our educated opinion on who the overall victors of the Eastern, Western, and Naval theaters were.
We then found the answer to our first essential question: who was the ultimate victor of each of the theaters of war: east, west, and naval. The east theater’s victor was a bit more split. The Union won many battles but so did the Confederacy. The Union won many of the battles because they had the resources and manpower but they suffered several casualties. The Confederacy was able to win battles such as the Battles of Federicksburg but they were not able to move forward. The west’s victor was the Union. They again had the resources and manpower to control the Confederacy from moving west and won many battles such as the Siege of Vicksburg. The naval theater was dominated by the Union as well. They had the resources to beat the Confederacy. They could control the ports and left the Confederacy with little resources to continue fighting.
To answer the second question you must look at why the Union won many of the battles. The Siege of Vicksburg was won because the Confederacy ran out of resources and the Union kept pushing forward. The Surrender of Fort Donelson was won by the Union because they could keep getting the reinforcements, the manpower, they needed to win. The Union always had the manpower and the resources to keep pushing and moving forward while the Confederacy lacked resources to keep their battles going.
Julianna O
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